
600 Series

Parenting is the hardest and most important job in the world, yet it has the least amount of training. You will be equipped to care for your children’s emotional needs as well as be taught strategies for discipline that are practical and easy to implement.

Parents equipped to care for children’s needs


600 Series

Parenting is the hardest and most important job in the world, yet it has the least amount of training. You will be equipped to care for your children’s emotional needs as well as be taught strategies for discipline that are practical and easy to implement.

Parents equipped to care for children’s needs

601 – Gardening Your Children: Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids

You will learn how to “garden” your child according to the way they have been designed by God with their unique personality and love languages. You will also learn to apply the principles learned in The Ultimate Journey of affirmation, validating and allying with your children.

2 hrs. per week/ 10 weeks – Class Fee $70 per individual/couple

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602 – How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk

In this practical class you’ll learn innovative ways to solve such common problems as: How to listen to and understand your child’s concerns. How to have cooperation in your family without nagging. How you and your child can deal with feelings. How to find alternatives to punishment. How to help your child attain a positive self-image.

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603 – 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12

1-2-3 Magic is the #1 selling child discipline book in the country. This version for Christians is complete with relevant Bible verses, explanations, and exercises that teach parents to take charge while refraining from any physical discipline or yelling, leading to better behaved children, happier parents, and a more peaceful home environment. Learn an amazingly simple technique to get the kids to STOP doing what you don’t want them to do (whining, arguing, tantrums, sibling rivalry, etc.). Learn several effective methods to get your kids to START doing what you want them to do (picking up, eating, going to bed–and staying there, chores, etc.). Learn powerful techniques that reinforce the bond between you and your children.

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Dave Ramsey of Financial Peace University and his daughter Rachel Cruze equip parents to teach their children the 6 subjects of Work and Responsibility; Spending and Wisdom; Saving & Patience; Giving and Generosity; Debt & Honesty; Contentment & Gratitude.

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605 – The Smart Step-Family

 Blended families have many uniques stressors and dynamics that challenge couple relationships and make step-parenting difficult which is one reason the step-couple divorce rate is two-thirds. Couples, on the other hand, who know how to navigate these challenges, can build healthy, redemptive, godly homes for their children and have marriages that thrive.

1 ½ hrs. per week/ 8 weeks – Class Fee $56 per individual/couple

Required Book: The Smart Stepfamily Participant’s Guide by Ron Deal

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