Connecting and empowering people of all ages to be transformed by living

Christ-Centered Lives


SEPTEMBER 15, 3:00 PM TO 5:00 PM


Gardener Academy for Kids

Empowering for transformation

Learning through a variety of course offerings is part of the transformation process.

Our focus is helping each person grow in their relationship with themselves, with God, and with others. We meet each person right where they are. We offer classes for singles, married couples, and children of all ages to empower them to live emotionally whole and spiritually mature lives.


The gifts and fruits that The Ultimate Journey class and experience you get cannot be matched!  You will never ever regret the opportunity it will present. I could not be more honest when I say that the material and teachings from The Ultimate Journey have changed my life forever!  I have been set free to go for and do the Lord’s will and bidding!


The Ultimate Journey Participant

The Ultimate Journey has removed the guilt I have been carrying around all my life. It has freed me to not repeat the same mistakes my parents made with me, with my kids.


The Ultimate Journey Participant

This is an excellent tool for all people to address, deal and release all that we carry around with us.  And learn to see God for who He is and who He created us to be.


The Ultimate Journey Participant

I no longer feel condemned, lost, hurt or even depressed!  I feel like a completely new person and I now know what Isaiah 40:31 truly means when it says: “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles; They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” Thanks to The Ultimate Journey, I truly feel that I am soaring on eagle’s wings!


The Ultimate Journey Participant

The single most impact was when I looked at my pictures over and over and seeing how precious and innocent I was.  I was able to weep for the little girl I was and see her not as unlovable and damaged goods, but a beautiful creation who didn’t deserve the abuse she received.  I knew it wasn’t God who caused the abuse, but I had to get to the point where I was willing to walk in that truth.


The Ultimate Journey Participant

For the first time in my life, I have peace!  I can actually sit by myself and know that Jesus is my Lord and that He is in total control.  The anxiety and depression that has plagued me all my life is gone.   I’ve been set free from the power of drug addiction and fear. 


The Ultimate Journey Participant

I have been released from negative self-talk and guilt connected to family members and the past.  I feel lighter with a future that’s brighter— everyday, and it continues to grow as I continue to experience self-discovery and growth.


The Ultimate Journey Participant

I have finally been able to bring up those things from the past that have altered my thought and behavioral patterns in a non-threatening safe environment.  I feel like the weight has finally been lifted from my shoulders.  I can now effectively start a new life with God as my focus or center of my attention. 


The Ultimate Journey Participant

A childhood misperception about being adopted was straightened out.  I felt I was a mistake, a problem. But God doesn’t make mistakes and He planned for me.


The Ultimate Journey Participant

Lies have been revealed and truth has been spoken.  The Ultimate Journey has made me more aware of my choice of words and actions and the impact it can have on someone. My relationship with the Lord has deepened and a lot of burdens that I carried no longer consume me.  Being able to release myself from things of the past have been freeing.  I don’t feel condemned, like others want you to feel, but feel free to worship and grow—finding how Jesus created me to be is most rewarding…live, laugh, dance for Jesus.


The Ultimate Journey Participant

I have learned that I’m loved no matter what – I’ve learned that I don’t have to do it all on my own, that Christ is there for me.  I’ve seen how I want to change my life so that I may set forth the right example and foundation in my home for my children.


The Ultimate Journey Participant


What is the enrollment process?

The Christ-Life Center offers a wide variety of Christian-based education classes and seminars for all ages, at all stages. To learn more about our offerings, visit the Courses page. To register for classes, please visit our store

Every course we offer is focused upon meeting adults, teens, or children right where they are. We help each person assess what is needed in order to grow and develop in Christ. We provide the courses to do so in a welcoming and healthy family atmosphere. We are excited to join you on your journey!

Volunteer opportunities?

Our classes are taught/facilitated by individuals who are passionate about helping others grow. We also have other volunteer opportunities. If you are looking for a place to belong, where God can work through you and your unique gifts and talents to impact others, we would love to talk with you about joining our team. To find out more, email or call us at (515) 251-6838.



You can find a lot of information here on our website, but nothing compares to a personal visit. We would love an opportunity to meet you, give you a tour of our facilities and sit down with you to answer any questions you may have. To set up an appointment or ask a question simply fill out and send the form below or call us at (515) 251-6838.

7 + 2 =


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