Gardener academy for Kids


The Gardener Academy for Kids is a place where children learn that their true identity, worth, and purpose are defined by God, and not by their life circumstances or other people. They learn to see themselves as a “seed” uniquely created by God who has put everything in them they will need to succeed and prosper in life. They learn to garden and ally themselves by cooperating with and submitting to The Master Gardener.

Kids being gardened learning that their true identity, worth, and purpose are defined by God

Gardener academy for Kids


The Gardener Academy for Kids is a place where children learn that their true identity, worth, and purpose are defined by God, and not by their life circumstances or other people. They learn to see themselves as a “seed” uniquely created by God who has put everything in them they will need to succeed and prosper in life. They learn to garden and ally themselves by cooperating with and submitting to The Master Gardener.

Kids being gardened learning that their true identity, worth, and purpose are defined by God

K-101 – Uniquely You

Your child will come to understand their personality type and how their unique make-up interacts with others that are different personalities. This is a foundational class for rooting your child in their identity.

1 ½ hrs./5 sessions – Class Fee $35

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K-102 – Love is a Language

This class will help your child become aware of how they give and receive love through this study of the 5 Love Languages. Emphasis will be placed on knowing how to receive love from others and give it in return. 

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K-103 – You Are Special

Based on Max Lucado’s book, You Are Special, your child will be able to see how special they are to God and how believing the truth about how God feels about them is foundational to what they will tell themselves about who they are.

1 ½ hrs./5 sessions – Class Fee $35 (multi-child discount available)

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K-104 – Emotions ‘n Motion

The inability to process emotions as a child is frequently the reason people struggle in their adult life. This class will help your child understand their feelings and how to process them and express them in a healthy way. Children will also be taught how to validate the feelings of others.

1 ½ hrs./5 weeks – Class Fee $50

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K-105 – The Two Biggies

Your child will learn the two greatest commandments; what it means to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength; and to love their neighbors as themselves.

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K-106 – The Perfect 10

The Bible is our instruction manual for living. Your child will learn and be able to apply the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20 that were spoken directly from God. Jesus says in John 14:15, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

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K-107 – The Bee-Attitudes

If you let the beatitudes be your attitude, the Kingdom of God belongs to you! The Beatitudes from Matthew 5, also known as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, will be taught in an exciting and relatable way for your child.

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